

examine vs analyseexamine vs analyzeexamine vs anatomizeexamine vs appraiseexamine vs assayexamine vs auditexamine vs auscultateexamine vs autopsyexamine vs candleexamine vs canvassexamine vs catechiseexamine vs catechizeexamine vs checkexamine vs checkexamine vs check intoexamine vs check outexamine vs check overexamine vs check up onexamine vs compareexamine vs considerexamine vs controlexamine vs cross examineexamine vs cross questionexamine vs diagnoseexamine vs diagnoseexamine vs enquireexamine vs essayexamine vs evaluateexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examinationexamine vs examineeexamine vs examinerexamine vs examinerexamine vs field-testexamine vs floatexamine vs followexamine vs glance overexamine vs go overexamine vs grillexamine vs hearexamine vs inquireexamine vs inspectexamine vs inspectexamine vs investigateexamine vs investigateexamine vs investigateexamine vs judgeexamine vs lookexamine vs look atexamine vs look intoexamine vs look intoexamine vs look intoexamine vs nameexamine vs pass judgmentexamine vs peruseexamine vs probeexamine vs proveexamine vs queryexamine vs questionexamine vs quizexamine vs rakeexamine vs re-examineexamine vs reexamineexamine vs reviewexamine vs run downexamine vs scanexamine vs scanexamine vs screenexamine vs scrutiniseexamine vs scrutiniseexamine vs scrutinizeexamine vs scrutinizeexamine vs searchexamine vs searchexamine vs seeexamine vs sieveexamine vs siftexamine vs size upexamine vs skimexamine vs studyexamine vs surveyexamine vs surveyexamine vs surveyexamine vs suss outexamine vs take stockexamine vs testexamine vs testexamine vs traceexamine vs tryexamine vs tryexamine vs try outexamine vs verifyexamine vs viewexamine vs x-ray
Other words that start with: “E”, “EX”, “EXA”, “EXAM” or end with: “E”, “NE”, “INE”, “MINE”.
Other verbs that start with: “E”, “EX”, “EXA”, “EXAM” or end with: “E”, “NE”, “INE”, “MINE”.
Words unscrambled from / built with letters: “EXAMINE”.

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